lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008


1. Read this fragment of this chapter. Underline the most important ideas and try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Then, identify the characters and the place where they are. What is happening?

“The passengers shot and killed 20 Indians. But the fighting continued, and the Indians shot the driver of the train. In pain, the driver cried, "Fort Kearney station is five minutes from here. American soldiers can help us there. Stop the train there!" "We shall stop it," replied Phileas Fogg. "Wait master. 1 will go," said Passepartout. The Indians did not see Passepartout as he climbed out of the carriage and underneath the train. He crawled under the carriages until he reached the front of the train. It was very difficult, but finally he separated the engine from the carriages. The engine continued faster and faster. The carriages slowed down, until they finally stopped near the station at Fort Kearney. The soldiers heard the shooting and ran out of the fort. The Sioux Indians saw them and ran away. Someone counted the passengers and they realised that the Indians had taken three men. One of these men was Passepartout”.

2. In groups,
- Summarize this chapter in a number of simple sentences.

- Discuss about the characters who participate in this chapter. Talk about their actions and their personality.

- Invent a new ending for this chapter.

- Describe the places where the characters are in this chapter. Explain your mates how these places look like in your mind.

- Think about what will happen in the next chapter.

Now, put all this in common with your classmates.

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